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What is Microblading?

Microblading falls under the tree of permanent makeup and tattooing! Unlike a traditional tattoo, this process is completed with a small hand-tool that consists of a bunch of teeny tiny needles and pigment, used to make hair-like strokes that blend in with your natural eyebrows. With this technique you can produce a fuller brow, a more defined shape, and stronger arch. 

Afraid you won't like the outcome, or too shy of the pain? No worries! You'll be glad to learn that Microblading is a form of semi-permanent tattooing, meaning it doesn't last forever, but it can. With proper care, you can keep your perfect brows looking fresh! As for the pain, you are numbed with topical anesthetics before and throughout the Microblading process. It's a piece of cake!

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Am I a Candidate?


Microblading may be for you if : 


  • You are dissatisfied with your natural brows

  • Have experienced hair loss in the brow area due to pervious illness or treatment 

  • Long for a thicker, bolder, stricter brow shape

  • You are dedicated to maintaining your micro bladed brows


Microblading may not be for you if : 


  • You desire a makeup-finished brow look (Microblading gives the illusion of hair strokes. This is not the same as powder brows).

  • You frequently change up your look (Microblading is semi-permanent an can last over a year or longer, even without a touch-up appointment)

  • You think you may not be responsible enough to keep up with the maintenance of microblading (yearly touch-ups, proper aftercare, and more)


Medical Conditions & Situations :


The following list of conditions and/or situations are contraindicated for Microblading. If you have or can relate to any of the following, micrblading is not for you or should be highly thought-out:


  • Eczema (in the eyebrow area)

  • Psoriasis (in the eyebrow area)

  • Keratosis Pilaris (in the eyebrow area)

  • Dermatitis (itchy and flaky skin in the eyebrow area)

  • Moles/Bumps/Piercings, Raised Skin (in eyebrow area)

  • Trichotillomania (in eyebrow area)

  • Botox (must wait 3 weeks following botox if in brow area)

  • Sunburn/Suntan (in brow area - must wait until skin returns to normal color)

  • Frequent Vacationing (make sure to plan your vacation at least two weeks following your microbladed eyebrows so that they have time to heal before "fun in the sun")

  • Blood Thinners (microblading will create excessive bleeding)

  • Heart Conditions (oftentimes taking blood thinners)

  • Hemophilia (excessive bleeding if microbladed)

  • Pregnant (Absolutely not!)

  • Breast-feeding (Absolutely not!)

  • Rosacea (skin too sensitive and will not hold color)

  • Sensitive Skin (skin too sensitive will not hold color)

  • Chronic Acne/Excessively Oily Skin (hairstrokes will blur together)

  • Large Pores (in eyebrow area will cause hairstrokes to blur together)

  • Deep Wrinkles (the result will appear uneven)

  • Natural Redhead (skin is too sensitive and will not hold color)

  • Thin-Skinned (skin to fragile and hypersensitive)

  • Accutane (severe acne medication creates tissue-thin skin - must wait an entire year following Accutane usage to regain skin integrity)

  • Retin-A (creates very thin skin and must wait one year following usage of this product)

        Retinol/Vitamin A (discontinue the use of these products on forehead/brow area for at least 30 days prior to microblading               procedure)

  • Autoimmune Diseases (such as Lupus, Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia - skin health is too compromised for microblading)

What Should I Expect at My Appointment?

  • When you first arrive for your appointment, we will discuss your overall goal for your brows. Maybe you want them fuller, more of an arch, or a more crisp shape. Try to have all of this in mind, as we can discuss and workout a plan for your new brows!


  • Next, I will have you fill out paperwork and consent forms! Please remember to bring your ID with you.  


  • To start off the service, I will cleanse your brows and take a few before photos. I will then apply your first layer of  numbing cream. You will sit with the anesthetic on your brows for 10-15 minutes. This first numbing technique is to help the initial break of the skin. Keep in mind that you will be numbed more throughout the process.  By the end of your appointment, you will be COMPLETELY numb!


  • Once your skin is numb, I will map out your brows, which is really the most important part of the process. This is where we will find the perfect shape, width, and length of your brows by following your specific facial measurements. This process ensures that your brows are as even and perfect as possible before we get started. Note that I will let you see the final mapped shape before I start Microblading. It's important that you love your new shape, and that you're completely comfortable with it. If you don't like it, let me know, and we can do it all over again. It's no problem!


  • Next, we will pick out a color that best matches the shade of your natural brow hair. 


  • Finally, we will begin the Microblading process. I will do a total of 3 passes over each brow, making tiny hair-like strokes within the new brow shape that we created. This process is fairly quick and a lot less dramatic than you may think. All you have to do is lay back, relax, chat, and trust the process to perfect brows!

How Do I Care for My Brows After Treatment?

  • Apply a thin layer of Aquaphor to brows daily throughout the healing process. Be sure to apply it every time your brows feel dry. (If you feel a reaction to the Aquaphor, use Coconut Oil as a more natural alternative)


  • Avoid water for the first 48 hours (washing your face is fine, but do not scrub or completely drench the area). Aquaphor is water resistant so it will protect your brows if you need to wet your face. 


  • Avoid daily skincare products around the brow area, as they may contain ingredients that can affect the pigment.


  • If you experience itching, dryness, or scabbing do NOT peel or scratch. It is possible to remove pigment, so let scabs and dryness fall of naturally. Applying Aquaphor will help with dryness and itchiness


  • Try your best to avoid sleeping on the sides of your face (I know that's kinda impossible), and use a clean pillowcase.


  • No makeup over your brows for at least 10 days. Foundation around the brow area is fine. 


  • Avoid excessive sweating , saunas, long hot showers, tanning, and sun exposure.


  • Avoid any type of facials, chemical peels, botox, filler around the brow area for up to 14 days prior to Microblading and 14 days after. 

What is the Healing Process?

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The most crucial step in Microblading is (unfortunately) the healing process. It's quick, painless, but not always the prettiest. 


Throughout the healing process your brows will go through several stages. Keep in mind that everyone's skin heals differently. However, the images to the left are typically what it looks like for MOST people. As long as you keep up with your aftercare, there will be no issues. 


Bare with it and trust the process... It's the process to life-long beautiful brows! 

Why is there a 4-6 Week Touch-Up?

​The touch-up process is the final step in the process to completing your perfect brows! Essentially, I will do the same steps as your first appointment, but it typically goes by a little quicker since we already have a base layer to follow. At this appointment we will make any desired adjustments to your brows. Perhaps you have some fading from your first session, maybe you want a bigger/fuller brow, or you think a darker color would be better... This is where we will make those changes. Additionally, the touch-up is very important when it comes to the long-lasting results of our brows. The second layer of Microblading is what really seals the deal.  You are not required to attend your touch-up session. However, is included with your first session, so whether you brows need it or not, I highly suggest you book anyways.


  • We will discuss any changes that you would like to make to your brows, whether you want to make them thicker, fuller, or enhance the color. 


  • I will repeat the same steps as listed above (under 'What to Expect at Your Appointment') to prep your brows (cleansing, clean-up, mapping, and numbing). 


  • The Microblading process for your touch-up appointment is usually a little quicker, and less strokes to your brows. 

  • Finally... Perfect brows !!! 



  • PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH. This is a service that you should be educated on and well-prepared for. Make sure that it is compatible with your skin type, your health, daily routine, etc. 

  •  Pretty Little Lines is not responsible for any allergic reaction that your skin may have to products used throughout and after the service. If you experience any swelling, excessive redness, or signs of infection, please call your doctor. 

  • I will check with you throughout several steps of the Microblading prep process to make sure you are happy with your new outline and shape. I will even offer to re-do it several times before I start Microblading. I will also let you approve the color of ink that I use. Once I begin Microblading, there is no going back, so please do not be afraid to speak up! You will not hurt my feelings. If you do not speak up, and end up disliking your brow shape, color, etc., that is no longer my fault after you have signed consent forms. 

  • Your brows may or may not feel complete after your first session. Some people heal really well with bold pigment and strokes. Some people experience drastic or minimal amounts of fading. This all depends on the make-up of your skin, as well as how you care for your brows during the healing process. This is what your touch-up appointment is for. "Trust the process"<3

  • Lastly, keep in mind that I am trained in this service. I know a lot about it and the majority of my clients leave satisfied. If you feel like your brows didn't heal how you expected, even after your touch-up session, I apologize and will do my best to help you achieve the look that you want. Again, it is important to remember that not everyones skin takes the same. However, if you simply just aren't happy with your brows, we can aim for another touch-up session or you can leave them and they will fade over time. You may also look into removal services elsewhere. 

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